Bubblesort Algorithm

required files are loaded...
Function Bubblesort(A)
    For each i from A.length-1 to 1
        For each j from 0 to i-1
            If A[j+1] < A[j]
                Swap A[j] and A[j+1]
load from file:
load example array:
example array
array with random values:
Save array
save as file:
with URL query parameters:

Bubblesort is a simple sorting algorithm for sorting lists and arrays. Bubbble Sort has a quadratic runtime complexity. The algorithm was named Bubble Sort because the movement of the largest elements to the end of the unsorted part of the array resembles bubbles rising to the surface.

How it works

Basic idea:

The array consists of an unsorted part followed by a sorted part. At the beginning, all elements are still in the unsorted part. In each iteration, all elements of the unsorted subarray are passed through and the largest element found so far in the iteration is passed to the right until, at the end of the iteration, the last element of the unsorted subarray contains the largest element from this unsorted area.


Function Bubblesort(A)
    For each i from A.length-1 to 1
        For each j from 0 to i-1
            If A[j+1] < A[j]
                Swap A[j] and A[j+1]


At the beginning i is the index of the last element in the array. Before each iteration of the outer loop the subarray running from index 0 to index i is unsorted, the subarray from index i+1 to the end is sorted and all elements in the sorted part are at their final position. After each iteration, the largest element from the unsorted part shall have been moved to the field with index i. Since the elements behind the element with index i are not changed and the element at position i is greater than or equal to any element with a smaller index, all elements from index i on are at their final position at the end of the iteration.

array before and after iteration step of bubblesort

The inner loop starts with the first element of the array and runs to the element before the element with index i. Before each iteration of the inner loop, the array with index j contains the largest element from the sub-array from 0 to j. If the element at position j is larger than the element at position j+1, the two elements are swapped. Thus, at the end of the iteration, the element with index j+1 contains the largest element in the range from 0 to j+1. In particular, at the end of the iteration with j = i-1, the field with index i contains the largest value of the range from index 0 to i.


Iteration 1:

As an example, the following array is to be sorted:

Example array to be sorted with the bubblesort algorithm

First i is set to the index of the last element and j starts with the first element of the array. Since the 1 is not greater than the 5, the two numbers are not swapped.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 1

Then j is moved one field to the right and the 5 and the 2 are compared. Since 5 is larger, the two numbers must be swapped.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 2
Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 3

5 is also greater than 4, so these two numbers must be swapped as well.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 4
Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 5

After that, the 5 and the 3 still need to be swapped.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 6
Bubblesort algorithm iteration 1 7

At the end of the first iteration, the last element, i.e. the 5, is at the final position.

Iteration 2:

i is moved 1 field further to the left and j starts again at 0.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 2 1

Since 1 is not greater than 2, the two elements do not have to be swapped.

Likewise in the following iteration step:

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 2 2

The 4 and the 3 must be swapped.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 2 3
Bubblesort algorithm iteration 2 4

At the end of the second iteration, the last two elements are in their final position.

Iteration 3:

1 is not greater than 2 and 2 is not greater than 3. Thus, nothing needs to be swapped in iteration 3 and the 3 is at the final position.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 3 - nothing happened

Iteration 4:

1 is not greater than 2 and therefore the 2 is already in the correct position.

Bubblesort algorithm iteration 4 - it does not have to be swapped


There is only 1 element left to be sorted. Since a partial array with only one element is automatically sorted, the first element is also in the correct position and the entire array is sorted.

Array after running the bubblesort algorithm - result

Reverse sorting order

The bubblesort algorithm can be very easily adapted to sort the elements in descending order. To achieve this, the elements must be swapped if A[j+1] is greater than A[j].

Function Bubblesort(A)
    For each i from A.length-1 to 1
        For each j from 0 to i-1
            If A[j+1] > A[j]
                Swap A[j] and A[j+1]


Bubblesort in Java:




good explanatory video on Youtube
